Bangladesh Environment Statistics Platform


Adaptation : It means the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm and exploits beneficial opportunities. [2]

Biome : A biome is a distinct community of plants, animals or fungi that occupy a distinct region. It is often referred to as an Ecosystem. [3]

Crops : Refer to plants or agricultural produce grown for food or other economic purposes, such as clothes or livestock fodder [4]

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) : Disaster Risk Reduction is development and Application of policies and practices that minimizes risks to vulnerabilities and disasters, applies to managing and/or responding to current disaster risks. [5]

Ecosystem : Ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plants , animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit. [6]

Flora : The plant life of a particular region or time. It is generally regarded as that which is naturally occurring and indigenous. [7]

Geographic Information System (GIS) : GIS is an Integrating technology that helps to capture, manage, analyze, visualize and model a wide range of data with a spatial and locational component. [8]

Hazard : Hazard means any unnatural incident which is created by natural law, due to technical faults or by humans and as a result bring down the normal lifestyle of peoples in to danger and risk through occurring devastation and sorrows and sufferings including devastating and irreparable damages to necessary items to maintain livelihood. [9]

In-stream water use : In-stream water use refers to the use of water without moving it from its source or to the use when water is immediately returned with little or no alteration. [10]

In-stream water use : In-stream water use refers to the use of water without moving it from its source or to the use when water is immediately returned with little or no alteration. [11]

Known mineral deposits : Known mineral deposits include commercially recoverable deposits, potential commercially recoverable deposits and non-commercial and other known deposits. [12]

Livestock : Livestock are animal species that are raised by humans for commercial purposes, consumption or labour. [13]

NA : NA [1]


2. National Plan for Disaster Management 2010-15: Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

3. NA

4. ISIC Rev.4, Section A, Division 01

5. ibid

6. NA

7. NA

8. NA

9. Disaster Management Act 2012: Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

10. NA

11. NA

12. NA

13. ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 01

1. NA