Bangladesh Environment Statistics Platform


AWRRID : Agriculture, Water Resources & Rural Institution Division, Planning Commission

BAB : Bangladesh Accreditation Board

BADC : Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation

BAEC : Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission

BANBEIS : Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics

BARI : Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

BB : Bangladesh Bank

BBS : Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

BCIC : Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation

BD : Bridges Division

BERC : Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission

BESF : Bangladesh Environmental Statistics Framework

BFD : Bangladesh Forest Department

BFID : Bangladesh Financial Institutions Division

BGMEA : Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association

BIDS : Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

BIWTA : Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority

BIWTC : Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation

BKMEA : Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association

BMD : Bangladesh Meteorological Department

BMD : Bureau of Mineral Development

BMDA : Barind Multipurpose Development Authority

BMET : Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training

BN : Bangladesh Navy

BOI : Board of Investment, PMO

BP : Bangladesh Police

BPC : Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

BR : Bangladesh Railway

BRRI : Bangladesh Rice Research Institute

BRTA : Bangladesh Road Transport Authority

BTC : Bangladesh Tariff Commission

BTRC : Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

BUET : Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

BWDB : Bangladesh Water Development Board

C&AG : Comptroller and Auditor General

CAAB : Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh

CD : Cabinet Division

CDA : Chittagong Development Authority

CDC : Communicable Disease Control unit of DGHS

CEGIS : Centre for Environment and Geographical Information System

CFC : Chlorofluorocarbon

CLE, MoLE : Child Labour Unit, Ministry of Labour and Employment

CPTU : Central Procurement Technical Unit

DAE : Department of Agricultural Extension

DDM : Department of Disaster Management

DGFP : Directorate General of Family Planning

DGHS : Directorate General of Health Services

DIFE : Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment, MoLE

DLRS : Department of Land Records and Survey

DLS : Department of Livestock Services

DNC : Department of Narcotics Control

DoE : Department of Environment

DoF : Department of Fisheries

DPDT : Department of Patent Designs and Trademarks of Bangladesh

DPE : Department of Primary Education

DPHE : Department of Public Health Engineering

DRSF : Disaster-related Statistics Framework

DYD : Department of Youth Development

EC : Election Commission

EMRD : Energy and Mineral Resources Division

EPB : Export Promotion Bureau

EPZ : Export Processing Zone

ERD : Economic Relations Division

FD : Finance Division

FSCD : Fire Service and Civil Defence

GED : General Economic Division

GSB : Geological Survey of Bangladesh

HCU : Hydro Carbon Unit, EMRD

HEU : Health Economics Unit, MoHFW

ICTD : Information and Communication Technology Division

IDCOL : Infrastructure Development Company Limited

IDRA : Insurance Development And Regulatory Authority

IED : Industry and Energy Division, Planning Commission

IEDCR : Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research

InfCom : Information Commission

IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IRD : Internal Resource Division

IUCN : International Union for Conservation of Nature

IWFM : Institute of Water and Flood Management

IWM : Institute of water Modelling

JRC : Joint Rivers Commissionj

KDA : Khulna Development Authority

LGD : Local Government Division

LGED : Local Government Engineering Department

LJD : Law and Justice Division

LPAD : Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division

MEA : Multilateral Environmental Agreement

MIS : Management Information System

MoA : Ministry of Agriculture

MoC : Ministry of Commerce

MoCA : Ministry of Cultural Affairs

MoCAT : Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism

MoCHTA : Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs

MoD : Ministry of Defence

MoDMR : Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief

MoE : Ministry of Education

MoEF : Ministry of Environment and Forests

MoEWOE : Ministry of Expatriate's Welfare and Overseas Employment

MoF : Ministry of Food

MoFA : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MoFL : Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

MoHA : Ministry of Home Affairs

MoHPW : Ministry of Housing and Public Works

MoInd : Ministry of Industries

MoInf : Ministry of Information

MoL : Ministry of land

MoLE : Ministry of Labour and Employment

MoLWA : Ministry of Liberation War Affairs

MoPA : Ministry of Public Administration

MoPME : Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

MoR : Ministry of Railways

MoRA : Ministry of Religious Affairs

MoS : Ministry of Shipping

MoST : Ministry of Science and Technology

MoSW : Ministry of Social Welfare

MoTJ : Ministry of Textile and Jute

MoWCA : Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

MoWR : Ministry of Water Resources

MoYS : Ministry of Youth and Sports

MRA : Microcredit Regulatory Authority

NAPA : National Adaptation Programme of Action

NARS : National Agricultural Research System

NASP : National AIDS/STD Programme (Programme of DGHS)

NAW, BBS : National Accounting Wing, BBS

NCDC : Non-Communicable Disease Control (NCDC) unit of DGHS

NGOAB : NGO Affairs Bureau

NHRC : national Human Rights Commission

NIPORT : NATIONAL Institute of Population Research and Training

NNS : National Nutritional Service

NSDS : National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

NSDS(2) : National Sustainable Develppment Strategy

NSSS : National Social Security Strategy

NTP : National Tuberculosis Control Programme

OECD : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PD : Programming Division

PDB : Power Development Board

PDTMD : Patent Design and Trade mark Department, Ministry of Industries

PEAf : Poverty Environment Accounting Framework

PID : Physical Infrastructure Division, planning Commission

PKSF : Palli karma -Sahayak Foundation

PMO : Prime Minister's Office

PoD : Power Division

PoD : Power Division

PPPA : Public Private Partnership Authority, PMO

PTD : Post and Telecommunication Division

RAJUK : Rajdhani Unnayan Kortripokkho

RDCD : Rural Development and Co-operative Divisions

RRI : River Research Institute

RSC : Register, Supreme Court

RTHD : Road Transport and Highway Division

SEID : Socio Economic Infrastructure Division, Planning Commission

SID : Statistics and Informatics Division

SMEF : SME Foundation

SNA : System of National Accounts

SoB : Survey of Bangladesh

SOD : Standing Order on Disaster

SPARRSO : Space Research and Remote Sensing organization, Bangladesh

SRDI : Soil Resource Development Institute

SREDA : Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority

UGC : University Grants Commission

UNDP : United Nations Development Programme

UNECE : United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe

UNEP : United Nations Environment Programme

UNESCAP : United Nations Economic Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

UNFCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNFDES : United Nations Framework for Development of Environmental Statistics

UNISDR : United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

UNPEI : United Nations Poverty Environment Initiatives

UNSC : United Nations Statistical Commission

UNSD : United Nations Statistical Division

UNSEEA : United Nations System of Environmental Economic Accounting

WARPO : Water Resources Planning Organization

WASA : Water and Sewerage Authority

WDB : Water Development Board

WTO Cell : World Trade Organization Cell, Ministry of Commerce